Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

Series review: The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley

The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley is an epic series (with eight books and almost 6000 pages!) that traces the lives and histories of seven adopted sisters and their beloved father. 

Each book follows one sister’s quest to unearth her heritage, seeking answers to the clues left by their father and exploring the lives of their ancestors. The unique paths that brought each sister into the fold of the family curated by the enigmatic billionaire, ‘Pa Salt’, are slowly unveiled and conclude with the final book in the series chronicling his own life story.

Link to Catalogue record for The seven sisters
Link to Catalogue record for The storm sister
Link to Catalogue record for The shadow sister
Link to Catalogue record for The pearl sister
Link to Catalogue record for The moon sister
Link to Catalogue record for The sun sister
Link to Catalogue record for The missing sister
Link to Catalogue record for Atlas : the story of Pa Salt

These titles are also available as ebooks and audiobooks. Learn more about e-resources on our website or ask at your library!