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Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

Hello Horror Fans!

To celebrate the month of October and all things Halloween, All Hallows’ Eve or Samhain, whatever your spooky flavour may be, we are sharing a list of some of the most popular horror fiction, some newer scary stories, and some of our freakiest finds!
So, light your candles, lock the doors, cuddle your safety blankets and limber up for the upcoming jump-scares!

Horror fans (and even non-horror fans) won’t be surprised to see that our top 4 most borrowed horror fiction books are written by the GOAT himself, the king of nightmares: Stephen King. If you’ve never braved a Stephen King story or movie, well, I’d be incredibly surprised for a start! This man has been writing for quite sometime, has won innumerable awards and has published 64 novels, many of which have been adapted for film and television and 100s of short stories. In the words of Ian Molly Meldrum: “Do yourself a favour” and dive in to a terrifying tale today!

Link to Catalogue record for It
Link to Catalogue record for Carrie
Link to Catalogue record for  Sleeping beauties : a novel
Link to Catalogue record for  Pet sematary

Love the King but looking for something new in the Horror genre? Why not check out some of the new additions to the collection in Horror fiction and Graphic Novels?

Link to Catalogue record for Aurora
Link to Catalogue record for Old country
Link to Catalogue record for DCeased : dead planet
Link to Catalogue record for All's well
Link to Catalogue record for Hide
Link to Catalogue record for Eat the rich
Link to Catalogue record for Hidden pictures
Link to Catalogue record for Dead silence
Link to Catalogue record for Gantz omnibus. 9
Link to Catalogue record for What moves the dead
Link to Catalogue record for Such a pretty smile
Link to Catalogue record for King Spawn. Volume 1

And if you’re after something a little more quirky and unusual, or one of the other popular authors in the genre, or prefer to get your chills on the screen, here are a few of my favourite picks! (Ice picks that is!) Mwaahahahaha!

Link to Catalogue record for The Roo
Link to Catalogue record for Pride and prejudice and zombies : the classic Regency romance
Link to Catalogue record for The hollow ones
Link to Catalogue record for Not even bones