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Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

Looking for a JP? Find out about our Justice of the Peace & Italian JP service. Read more!

eSmart eresource
Being eSmart means knowing how to guard against security and privacy risks that may arise, being able to research, download and create content that is safe, and being able to manage reputation and relationship issues associated with being online.

Below is a list of websites that provide cyber safety advice, information and reporting for all age groups.

Cockburn Libraries are an eSmart Library

eSmart Libraries (a partnership between The Alannah & Madeline Foundation and the Telstra Foundation) is a world-leading cyber safety program designed to better equip local libraries with the skills needed for a smart, safe and responsible online community.

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For Parents

Childnet International: Parents & carers portal

Whether you’re puzzled by parental controls or would like to know more about gaming, this section can help.

We all know that it can sometimes be challenging to keep up to speed with what children and young people are doing online.

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Kids Helpline: Parents portal

The Parents portal provides information for parents and carers to assist them to understand, respond to and help prevent the various online dangers that face children, including cyberbullying, online grooming, online gaming addiction and other issues.

If you are aged 5–25 years old, Kids Helpline provides free and confidential online WebChat and phone counselling 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 1800 55 1800.

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Bullying. No Way!

Bullying. No Way! contains information and resources for parents and carers on understanding, responding to and preventing bullying of primary and secondary aged students.

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ThinkUknow: Parents portal

ThinkUknow is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police and other commercial partners.

Knowing what young people see, say and do online underpins the ThinkUKnow program.

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eSafety: Parents

Office of the eSafety Commissioner

eSafety: Parents is where parents can learn about the online environment and keep updated on how to understand and manage their children’s technology use.

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For Kids

Childnet International: 4-11 year olds

The internet is a wonderful place to explore and discover new things, to connect and communicate with others and to be creative.

This resource for 4-11 year olds is a children’s activity zone aimed at providing guidance to keep young children happy and safe online.

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Bullying. No Way!

Bullying. No Way! contains support and advice for young people experiencing bullying as well as information and resources on understanding, responding to and preventing bullying.

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Kids Helpline: Being safe on the internet

Being safe on the internet includes tips and tricks to help children to stay safe online.

Kids Helpline: Kids 5-12 also provides information for children about understanding and dealing with cyberbullying, safe online-gaming and other issues.

If you are aged 5–25 years old, Kids Helpline provides free and confidential online WebChat and phone counselling 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 1800 55 1800.

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eSafety: Kids

Office of the eSafety Commissioner

eSafety: Kids is a portal where kids can learn about being safe, kind, curious, and secure online.

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For Teens

Kids Helpline: Staying safe online

Staying safe online includes tips and tricks to help teens to stay safe online.

Kids Helpline: Teens 13-17 also provides information for teens about understanding and dealing with cyberbullying, responsible use of social media and other issues.

If you are aged 5–25 years old, Kids Helpline provides free and confidential online WebChat and phone counselling 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 1800 55 1800.

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eSafety: Young people

Office of the eSafety Commissioner

eSafety: Young people is practical advice by young people, for young people to help challenge the haters and fakers online.

This resource provides information on a huge range of online issues including dealing with cyberbullying, identifying fake news and coping with online hate.

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Youth Law Australia

Youth Law Australia provides legal information to young people in Australia.

This resource provides information on a range of topics related to internet, phone and technology use.

You can also get free email advice about anything related to the law, including information about cyber safety and cyber bullying.

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Bullying. No Way!

Bullying. No Way! contains support and advice for young people experiencing bullying as well as information and resources on understanding, responding to and preventing bullying.

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Childnet International: 11-18 year olds

This resource for 11-18 year olds is aimed at providing top tips, competitions, blogs and advice to help secondary school aged teens to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively.

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For Young Adults & Adults (and everyone)

Office of the eSafety Commissioner

“Our goal is to empower all Australians to explore the online world safely.”

This resource provides eSafety information for the different age groups, as well as specific information for a range of other groups, including:

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Australian Cyber Security Centre

The ACSC provides simple, easy to understand advice for individuals and families on how to protect yourself online as well as up-to-date information on the latest online threats and how to respond.

This service also provides a national online system that allows the public to securely report instances of cybercrime.

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Go Digi: Online learning guides

Go Digi provide a range of Tech Guides which include several on online safety and security.

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Kids Helpline: Staying safe online

Staying safe online includes tips and tricks to help young adults and adults to stay safe online.

Kids Helpline: Young Adults 18-25 also provides information for young adults and adults about understanding and dealing with online harassment, online gaming addiction and other issues.

If you are aged 5–25 years old, Kids Helpline provides free and confidential online WebChat and phone counselling 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 1800 55 1800.

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GCF Learn Free: Online Safety tutorials

GCF Learn Free’s Online Safety tutorials provide information on the strategies, skills, and mindset needed to protect yourself, your computer, and your privacy when you connect with the Internet.

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Presented by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), ScamWatch provides information to consumers and small businesses about how to recognise, avoid and report scams.

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Do you need assistance accessing any of our eResources or installing apps? Book in for a Tech-help session and we will show you how.